The North Face 100 Ultra Trail Challenge Hong Kong 2024 Open for General Registration on July 17 The North Face 100
香港越野跑挑戰賽2024 7月17日起公開接受報名 15/7/2024 17:50

Like much of the world, weather has become less predictable in Hong Kong in recent years. Historically, mid-December weather could be expected to be relatively low (~50%) humidity and in the 12-25℃ range during the day, with temperatures possibly falling below 10℃ at night on the highest peaks. In recent years, we have seen December days above 25℃ with high humidity, though that is not the most likely case scenario. Rain is infrequent in December, but when it does rain, temperatures on the mountains can be quite chilly.  Thunder and lightning are rare. Please check weather forecast before the race and make sure to wear appropriate clothing to protect yourself.
Website of Hong Kong Observatory:

近年香港的天氣與世界各地一樣,變幻莫測。以往,12月中都是比較乾爽,日間溫度在攝氏15至20度之間,晚間最低有機會在攝氏10度以下。最近幾年,我們嘗試過日間溫度在攝氏25度以上,加上頗高的濕度,十分反常。 下大雨的情況也有機會發生,如遇著這情況天氣會變得更寒冷,請選擇合適的裝備進行比賽。目前難以估計當時天氣,待較接近比賽時,我們會發電郵通知有關香港天氣情況。
與世界大部分地區一樣,香港的天氣近年來變得難以預測。從過往氣象紀錄,預計 12 月中旬的天氣濕度相對較低 (~50%),日間氣溫在 12-25°C 範圍內,但夜間溫度可能會降至 10°C 以下。近年來,我們看到 12 月的日子高於 25°C,濕度很高,儘管這不是最有可能的情況。12 月很少下雨,但下雨時,山上的氣溫可能會很冷。 雷電很少見。請在比賽前查看天氣預報,並確保穿著合適的衣服以保護自己。
香港天文台官網 :  <繁>  <簡>
For 100 km runners, 100 km relay runners, 55 km runners and 14km runners, you will receive a confirmation after registration (and for 100 km racers after we check your credential). We will also publish a list of race entrants to the website by mid-September once all racer’s credentials have been checked and will update this list from time to time as required.

參加100Km,100Km 隊際接力賽,55Km和14Km 的參者完成報名後會馬上收到確認書。而100Km參加者也會同時審核他們提交之參賽紀錄。有關名單亦會九月中在網上公佈。
Race pack collection will take place the week before the race at a The North Face shop. Race participants will be informed of pick up location details closer to the race

選手包將在比賽前一週經The North Face專門店派發。詳情容後發佈。
Cancellation is not allowed. Cancellation is only permitted with valid reason subject to the organizer’s approval (which will ordinarily be granted provided that we are able to take a qualified substitute from our waiting list). There will be cancellation fee of HKD$100. All cancellation must be submitted prior to  15 November, 2024.

Your application will not proceed out if your credentials are not accepted.  Note that race entry credentials are only required for the 100 km race.

會。所有不乎合參賽要求的,將安排退款。今屆只要求100Km 呈參賓往績的。
Please email Please provide mobile phone and email contact details and whether you prefer to assist at a checkpoint, do some hiking (forerunning, sweeping, etc.) or both.  This year we will offer a stipend to volunteers to cover incidental expenses.

請電郵 請提供手提電話號碼、聯絡電郵及你想參與的崗位:支援站、領跑、掃尾等
The purpose of the qualification is to insure that those who enter have the experience and fitness to have a good chance of finishing the race without being cut off.  55 km and 100 km race experience is the most direct comparison, but the organisers will also consider other race experience. Obviously someone who has completed a 100 miler, for example, would be qualified to enter the 100 km race.

We will also consider other races of other distances in assessing qualification and will consider as well eligibility submissions based upon pre-Covid era results.

審核的目的是希望參賽者有足夠的經驗及能力完成賽事。100公里賽事成績是最直接的審核標準,主辦方亦會考慮其他比賽經驗。例如完成 100 英里的人將有資格參加 100 公里比賽 茲因2019新冠疫情,主辦單位會考慮接受過去三年間27小時內完成100公里虛擬賽記錄証明。此外,也會接受2019新冠疫情前的完賽記錄証明或其它賽程的參賽紀錄。
Relay teams will be given race number bibs in advance for distribution to each team member and a wristband with a timing chip that should be collected at the start venue by the first runner. The wristband will serve as a relay baton to be passed on from one team member to the next at each relay handover zone. It should be returned by the final runner at the finish line. Team members can track their teammates progress via various phone app methods, or GPS trackers to make sure they are at the transition checkpoints ahead of the runner with the bracelet. They can then begin running as soon as the bracelet handover takes place in the handover zone at the checkpoint. Teams are responsible for their own transport to the handover zone checkpoints as well for the transport of the runner completing the section back to the finish line or home (unless the runner wishes to wait for the sweeper bus). This will be a test of team race logistics.

大會在賽前分發號碼布給每位參賽隊員而各隊負責第一棒的參加者須於賽事起點領取該隊內置計時芯片的手帶。大會把此手帶視作接力棒,參賽隊員只許在指定交接區把手帶傳給負責下一棒之隊員。負責最後一棒之隊員在賽事完成後須在終點交回手帶。 參賽隊友可以使用一些智能電話應用程式或手提GPS裝置去追蹤隊友比賽進度務求可以在隊友跑到接力區前迎接隊友,屆時接過手帶便可以馬出發。 參賽隊伍須自行安排交通工具前往各位於檢查站的交接區,完成賽後也須自行安排交通工具離去(若自願逗留在檢查站至關站後可以乘坐大會車輛離去)。各隊在賽前計劃好交通安排也是參加接力賽的一個考驗。
Official Finishers of the 100Km or 100Km Relay will earn 4 iTRA points while 55Km official finishers will earn 3 iTRA points. We are a registered UTMB Index Race. Official Finishers of the 100Km and 55 Km races will also earn their own performance index.

本屆賽事已獲 iTRA 驗證成iTRA National League 認可賽事, 正式完賽選手可獲取的iTRA 績分為 : 100Km個人 和100Km接力賽 : 4績分 ; 55Km 賽: 3 iTRA 績分 此外. 100Km 和 55Km均已確認UTMB認可賽事,正式完賽選手可獲取UTMB批出之表現評分(Performance Index)。
Note that parking at the race venue will be very difficult.

Bus Services to Lam Tsuen Well-Wishing Square
Tai Po Market Rail Station -> Bus 64K  > Hang Ha Po Bus Stop, Lam Kam Road (Yuen Long bound)
Yuen Long West > Bus 64K > Hang Ha Po Bus Stop, Lam Kam Road (Tai Po bound)
Service Hours : everyday 0540 hr to 00:10 (next day) at approx. 15 minutes interval leaving Bus Terminus in Tai Po and Yuen Long

East Rail Line Train service to Tai Po Market Rail Station
East Rail operates train service from Admiralty to Lo Wu and Lok Ma Chau 0530 hr to 0100 hr (next day) daily, however Sheung Shui Station will be the northern terminus after Lo Wu and Lok Ma Chau closes 0030hr next day and 2300hr respectively.

Overnight Bus N271
Tai Po Fu Heng -> Hung Hom Railway Station
Operates 0050 hr to 0525 hr, pass through Tai Po Market, Shatin, Kowloon Tong, Yau Ma Tei and Tsimshatsui

Green Taxi Stand is outside Tai Po Market Station
Urban Taxis (red taxicabs):9138 9363
New Territories Taxis (green taxicabs):6227 7680


東鐵大埔墟站,轉乘巴士64K >林錦公路坑下甫站 (往元朗行車方向)
元朗西巴士總站 乘巴士 64k > 林錦公路坑下甫站 (往大埔行車方向)
服務時間 : 每天0540 hr 至 0010hr (翌日) 約15分鐘一班從總站開出

東鐵金鋰站往返羅湖/落馬洲服務時間為侮0530hr 至翌日0100, 隨著羅湖(0030hr)和落馬洲2300hr 關站後上水站便成為北行總站

通宵巴士 N271
富亨 > 紅磡鐵路站 首班車 0050,每20分鐘一班,途經大埔墟、沙田、九龍塘、油麻地、尖沙咀

市區的士(紅的):9138 9363
新界的士(綠的):6227 7680
At the CPs as there will not be any cups nor bowls. We will have congee or instant noodles available, please bring your personal cup!



Tel 電話

WeChat(WeiXin) 微信

+852 59128659
Account Name 戶名: 賽安TNF100
WeChat Id: Seyon-TNF100

Email 電郵