Explorer: Complete the registration to become a TNF Explorer, a permanent tier.
Blazer: Upgrade to Blazer tier upon any purchase after registration and enjoy One-time 10% off on regular priced items except UE products (a maximum of 5 pcs allowed for one item in a purchase) at any store in the member’s birthday month. The tier is valid for 1 year, during which, any spending will keep the member in this tier; otherwise, the membership will be degraded.
Adventurer: Upgrade to Adventurer tier upon HK$3,500-<HK$6,999 spending in 12 months, get extra bonus points, and enjoy One-time 20% off on regular priced items except UE products (a maximum of 5 pcs allowed for one item in a purchase) at any store in the member’s birthday month. The tier is valid for 1 year, during which, HK$3,500 or more spending will keep the member in this tier; otherwise, the membership will be degraded.
Pioneer: Upgrade to Pioneer tier upon HK$7,000 or more spending in 12 months, get extra bonus points, and enjoy One-time 30% off on regular priced items (a maximum of 5 pcs allowed for one item and a maximum of 3 pcs allowed for UE item in a purchase) at any store in the member’s birthday month. The tier is valid for 1 year, during which HK$7,000 or more spending will keep the member in this tier; otherwise, the membership will be degraded.
For every HKD that you spend at The North Face Retail Stores in Hong Kong, you will receive one point if you are an Explorer or Blazer, 1.2 points if you are an ADVENTURER, or 1.5 points if you are a POINEER. Points can be redeemed in-store at a conversion rate of 10 points to HK$1 towards any purchase (excluding UE Stores & Outlets), but the overall discount is up to 30% of original price. All points can be accumulated in 12 months starting from the points earning date.
Exclusive member gifts will be released on member center from time to time. Redeem points at stores to get member exclusive GWP.
The point cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions, offers or discounts unless otherwise stated. VF HK reserves the right of final decision.
(Note: XPLR Pass members may earn points by spending at Outlet and UE stores, which, however, cannot be used for redemption)
於香港The North Face專門店消費的每$1港幣,探索客和開拓者將會獲得1積分,冒險家將會獲得1.2積分,登頂客將會獲得1.5積分。每10分可兌換相等於港幣$1於店內消費,兌換扣減金額及所有優惠最高不可超過商品原價的30%。積分由成為會員獲取積分日起開始計算,有效期為12個月。
除非另有說明,獎賞不可與其他推廣活動、優惠或折扣一起使用。VF HK 保留最終解釋權。
( 註: XPLR Pass 會員可以在特賣場和UE專賣店賺取積分,但不能於該店作兌換現金用。)