Explore Hong Kong’s Outdoors from Fresh Angles via the Brand-New TNF 100 Hong Kong Route Starting at The Lam Tsuen Wishing Square
由林村許願廣場出發 全新路線帶領跑手以不同角度探索香港山野
The varied topography of Hong Kong offers an exhilarating and challenging environment for trail running enthusiasts. This year’s TNF 100 Hong Kong features a brand-new route that allows runners to explore the serene outskirts of Hong Kong from various angles, creating a truly unique and memorable trail running experience.
All races will start and finish at the Lam Tsuen Wishing Square, a significant cultural heritage site symbolizing good fortune. The 100K individual and relay races will kick off at 10:00PM on December 13, allowing racers to uncover the peaceful and tranquil side of Hong Kong and explore its nighttime beauty. In the 100K race, racers will begin by surmounting Pak Tai To Yan and navigating the challenging Long Shan route. After passing the Hok Tau Reservoir, they will rapidly ascend to the Ping Fung Shan and Wong Leng area. Climbing through the mountainous Pat Sin Leng, they will then make a gradual descent towards the Wu Kau Tang Campsite. Passing by several serene ancient villages in the northeastern part of Hong Kong, including Lai Chi Wo, Luk Keng, So Lo Pun and Yung Shue Au, they will arrive back at sea level in Luk Keng before climbing back along the ridgeline of Wong Leng and Ping Fung Shan. Crossing Cloudy Hill, they will conquer Tai Mo Shan, Hong Kong’s highest point, via the Lung Mun Country Trail. After enjoying these scenic stretches, they will enter the peaceful Lam Tsuen Valley and pass through Ng Tung Chai. After conquering the challenging ascents of Tai To Yan and running a gorgeous ridge to Pak Tai To Yan, they will pass through Ngau Kwu Leng Trail and descend to the finishing line back at Lam Tsuen Wishing Square.
In the 55K challenge, racers will start at 8:00AM on December 14, surmounting Pak Tai To Yan and traversing Cloudy Hill through the Wilson Trail. They will then merge with the 100K racers and compete on the same remaining course to the finishing line. Meanwhile, the 14K race racers will start at 9:00AM on December 15, first passing through the Ngau Kwu Leng Trail and ascending Pak Tai To Yan, rewarded with spectacular views along the way.
香港坐擁多種不同地形面貌,景觀壯麗開揚且富挑戰性的越野環境吸引不少戶外及越野跑愛好者踏足探索。今年,TNF 100香港越野跑挑戰賽採用全新路線,帶領跑手以不同角度探索香港山野,重新感受及發掘這些地方的不同面貌,擁有不一樣的越野跑新體驗。是次所有賽事的起點及終點均遷移至香港的許願勝地 — 大埔林村許願廣場,為賽事注入香港傳統文化色彩,同時承載美好期盼。100公里個人賽及隊際接力賽將於12月13日晚上10時起跑,讓跑手們在山野間探索香港的晝夜之美,選手先翻越北大刀屻及富挑戰的龍山,經鶴藪水塘急速爬升至屏風山、黃嶺一帶,攀登此起彼伏的八仙嶺,繼而緩緩下降至烏蛟騰,進入香港最東北角的一些寧靜古村,其中包括荔枝窩、鎖羅盤和榕樹凹等。到了鹿頸後從海岸線再登黃嶺、屏風山,選手會在翻過九龍坑山時再經龍門郊遊徑登上香港最高點 — 大帽山。一路過來是景觀開揚的路段,但隨後會往寧靜的林村谷裡穿過梧桐寨,再而登上大刀屻,後沿秀麗的稜線再登北大刀屻,最後經牛牯嶺徑下降至林村許願廣場衝線。而55公里賽將於12月14日早上8時起跑,同樣先翻越北大刀屻,沿衛弈信徑翻過九龍坑山,此時匯合100公里選手踏足相同路段,先經龍門登上大帽山,再經梧桐寨及大刀屻等地跑返終點。14公里賽則於12月15日早上9時選手會先踏上牛牯嶺徑,往蝴蝶山方向進入營盤,亦會登上景色壯麗的北大刀屻。